Problems are a fact of life.
The question is not "will I have a problem?" The question is "WHEN will I have a problem?"
From the time we are children, we encounter all kinds of problems. When we are babies, we don't know how to use the toilet. At first, this is not a problem. But fast forward a few years and it becomes a HUGE problem. Our parents or caregivers helped us solve it. They potty-trained us. Problem solved!
As we grow and mature, new expectations are set. And failing to learn new things can keep us from growing and maturing. We can clearly see this on an academic level. No one would question the fact that children should learn and grow academically.
The lesson that we miss is this: This principle does not apply ONLY to academics. It applies EVERYWHERE in your life. Spiritual. Mental. Physical. Emotional.
Learning new ways of being and behaving is the key to continued growth and maturity. And the KEY to successfully solving your PROBLEMS and creating personal SUCCESS.
At some point in our lives, we stop learning and growing. And this limits our ability to solve the problems in our lives.
Math problems are NOT the ONLY problems that exist in the world!
And your ability to problem solve is directly related to your ability to grow personally and professionally.
Whenever I find myself feeling STUCK or stagnated, I know it is because I am failing to stretch myself, learn, and grow.
As a scientist, I was trained to use the scientific method. And this methodology assumes that there is ALWAYS an answer. The scientist's job is to find the solution and reveal it. I have approached problems in my life from this mindset. And it has allowed me to create opportunities out of my problems - sometimes called "turning lemons into lemonade."
It is NOT that I was so smart that I never failed. I have failed a lot. The key is understanding the opportunity mindset and going after a solution to my problem.
How do you adapt a mindset that helps you navigate life's problems? Here are 7 ways that you can change your mindset and get UNSTUCK.
Consider your problems opportunities. Most people complain about their problems which leads them to feel frustrated, angry, or just plain discontent. We say "Why me?" and "What's THEIR problem?" We deflect, blame, and point fingers. But when we realize that problems are OPPORTUNITIES, it puts us in a mindset of looking for a solution. Zig Ziglar said once "Whenever I face a challenge, I look at it and say 'God, we have ourselves a problem!' Then I get to work finding the solution."
Accept that the answer exists. For every problem, there is an answer. When we are facing the problem, the answer is NOT KNOWN. But that doesn't mean that the answer does not exist! We must be sure that the answer exists somewhere. Our job is to find the answer.
Be willing to experiment. Experiment is a fancy word that simply means "to test what you know." It is NOT what you know that keeps you stuck. It is what you DON'T know that keeps you in the pit of despair. Getting out of that pit will require you to try different strategies so that you begin understanding "the way things are" rather than filling in the blanks with "the way you think things SHOULD work."
Deal with the facts. To solve any problem, you must become a fact finder. Many of us can't find the solution to our problems because we don't carefully examine the FACTS. So instead, we operate out of an emotional realm that creates an alternative to reality. Emotional thinking will cause us to deviate from what is REAL and the solution to our problem will elude us.
Be confident that you will find an answer. Some scientists study problems for twenty or thirty years before they actually find a solution. Most of life's problems won't take that long to solve, but you must absolutely be convinced that an answer is exists. And you must be persistent in your pursuit of an answer.
Create a feedback loop. None of us is as smart as all of us together. Scientists also use a technique that they call "peer review." One of the benefits of this system is that it allows scientists to share knowledge and receive critical feedback. You need to surround yourself with a group of people that is going where you are going. Creating this kind of group sets up a feedback loop that gives you information and insight that will help you solve your problem - much faster than you would be able to do alone. We build each other when we share our knowledge and insights. And we get to our answer much faster than we could have alone.
Make it impersonal and objective. Most of us get stuck because we take things personally. Instead of understanding that humanity has many common problems, we make it about a specific person. This limits our ability to develop a solution to our problems. We see our problem as something Unique. Scientists know that there are other scientists that can inform them about the problem they are facing. And they actively seek input from other people about their problem. You ARE absolutely Unique. Your problems, though, have been encountered by many people before you. This is not the first time a human has wrestled with a problem. And it is not a "just me" kind of situation. You are NOT alone!
You will encounter problems in your life. It is not a matter of "if." It is a matter of "when."
Learning to adapt a mindset that sets you up to conquer your problem is the key to creating personal success.
You are not alone!
You can achieve your goals. Let me show you how.